The annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was an exciting one this year. It left us with a mind-blowing glimpse into the future of technology. CES 2024 showcased a smorgasbord of cutting-edge gadgets. Includin...
Imagine a world where your lights turn on automatically as you walk in the door. Your coffee starts brewing before you even crawl out of bed. A simple voice command adjusts the temperature to your perfect setti...
Staying ahead in business often means embracing cutting-edge technologies. New tools can unlock new avenues for growth especially for small businesses. SMBs are often looking for affordable ways to gain a compe...
Technology is reshaping the world of work at an unprecedented pace. From artificial intelligence to web3, from the metaverse to the hybrid work model. We are witnessing a series of technological revolutions. Th...
Every year, tech enthusiasts eagerly anticipate Europe’s most prominent technology trade show. It’s the Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin, or simply IFA.This is a showcase of the latest and greatest i...
There is no escaping the relentless march of AI. Software companies are rapidly incorporating it into many business tools. This includes tools like Microsoft 365, Salesforce, and others.Many people are still co...
Apple’s iOS updates have always been eagerly anticipated. iPhone and iPad users around the world get excited to see what their devices can do next. The newest major upcoming release will be for iOS 17. Th...
It’s hard to turn around online these days without running into ChatGPT. Both Bing and Google are levering this advanced artificial intelligence language model. And you can expect it to show up in more business...
At the beginning of each year, a group of global innovators meets. They introduce and show off breakthrough technologies. It’s done at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), which is typically held each January i...
Customers look for convenience. In today’s world that means technology that makes their life easier. From webforms to POS systems, you need to keep the customer experience in mind in all you do.When people aren...